ONIE Compliance Environment


ONIE Compliance Environment or OCE is a set of tools that are used for

  • Automated ONIE Builds (via CI tools like Jenkins)
  • Automated ONIE Testing using the same tools found in deployments

Testing ONIE from a user’s perspective included naming the NOS installer onie-installer, placing it in the root location of a web server, and letting ONIE do it’s thing. While this works, it doesn’t fully test a vendor’s implementation of ONIE:

  • proper HTTP Headers
  • DHCP options
  • Proper ONIE image discovery
  • The rest of the ONIE feature set
    • Self Update
    • Rescue
    • Uninstallation of a NOS

While most of these actions can be observed and recorded by the user, it is typically not their deployment strategy to do so. As such, we have a simpler way of doing so for certification labs, vendors, and others to use the same deployment tools that an end user will use to provide a suite of tests to ensure a HW vendor’s implementation of ONIE is compliant with the OCP specification.


test-onie.py allows the automatic configuration and testing of a given test from the OCP ONIE specification.

It takes a list of arguments:

  • MAC address of the DUT (Device Under Test)
  • IP address (in CIDR form) of the DUT
  • test number
    • For NOS installs, a NOS image
    • For ONIE self update, an ONIE image

And test-onie.py takes care of the rest. By default, test-onie.py uses the following:

  • DHCP using isc-dhcp-server
  • TFTP using tftpd-hpa
  • HTTP using nginx

However, it is possible to change out the back end services by either modifying the test definition file (default: config/onie-tests.json) or creating a new one.

Limitations of test-onie.py

At the current time, test-onie.py cannot handle the test cases that require power or console interaction (10 test cases in all). It is able to handle the remaining 70 test cases just fine.

Installing Prerequisites

Before we get started, if you system is running apparmor, you must stop it and unload all the profiles. Typically, this involves:

# sudo service apparmor stop
# sudo service apparmor teardown

Install the necessary backend services and have them stopped and disabled. Typically this involves:

# sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server tftpd-hpa nginx
# sudo stop service isc-dhcp-server stop
# sudo stop service nginx stop
# sudo update-rc.d -f isc-dhcp-server remove
# sudo update-rc.d -f nginx remove


ensure tftpd is not running in inetd or xinetd

To use test-onie.py, you need to have all of the python modules, defined in requirements.txt installed.

An easy way to do this is to use python’s virtualenv.

Ensure you have pip and virtualenv installed:

# sudo apt-get install python-pip python-virtualenv

Then create the virtual environment:

# virtualenv .venv

Now let’s enter the virtual environment and install our dependencies:

# source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) # pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you are ready to run test-onie.py.

Please refer to OCE’s README for more information on running specific test cases.