
The purpose of this module is to provide any standard and/or custom attributes for any OID.

Supporting Attributes

In order to operate on an attribute your onlp_attributei_supported() function must return True for the named attribute on the given OID. If it does not then onlp_attributei_get() and onlp_attributei_set() will not be called with that attribute name.

Standard Attributes

While custom attributes are completely optional, it is required that at a very minimum the Chassis OID supports retreiving both the ONIE attribute and the Asset attribute using onlp_attributei_onie_info_get() and onlp_attributei_asset_info_get().

Supporting these on anything other than the Chassis OID is optional.

Should a FRU or Module support either of these attributes then you are encouraged to support them on those OIDs as well.

Attributei Documentation

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